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Sunday 19 November 2017

Amnesty International Indigenous Rights and the Human Rights Innovation Fund 2017

*Deadline: November 30, 2017*

Amnesty International, through the Human Rights Innovation Fund will
provide at least one grant each year to Indigenous organisations working
to end youth incarceration. In June 2015, Amnesty International
Australia launched the report /A Brighter Tomorrow: Keeping Indigenous
kids in the community and out of detention in Australia./ Indigenous
youth detention in Australia is a national crisis – Indigenous young
people are 26 more times more likely to be in detention than
non-Indigenous young people. Western Australia detains Indigenous
children at 53 times the rate of their non-Indigenous peers.

Amnesty will be working over the coming years to ensure a brighter
tomorrow for Indigenous kids. The report makes comprehensive, practical
recommendations to government on how to reduce the rate of Indigenous
youth incarceration and make communities safer. It also examines the
innovative Indigenous-led prevention and diversion programs that are
achieving impressive results.

Your proposal could involve remote or urban communities, it could
complement or be an element of an early intervention, prevention or
diversionary program, or it could be an event or activity that supports
the campaign. Amnesty encourages Indigenous ‘stakeholders’ to develop
creative interesting, positive initiatives that will help keep kids out
of detention and in the community where they belong.


  * The Human Rights Innovation Fund for Indigenous Youth Justice
    initiatives is open to Indigenous-led and directed organisations in
    Australia only;
  * Projects must have a demonstrable human rights impact in that it
    supports the aim of Amnesty’s Indigenous Youth Justice campaign;
  * Projects must be an Indigenous-led and designed initiative;
  * Projects must be achievable within the funding available (maximum
  * Smaller projects, even very small, are very welcome;
  * Projects must be completed within one year of the project’s start date;
  * Amnesty International Australia cannot pay wages. If wages form part
    of your project budget, you will need to be an employer or the
    person(s) to be paid will need to have an ABN;
  * Successful applicants will be required to submit a short project
    report/evaluation within two months of the completion of the project.


To apply, download and complete the application form
https://www.amnesty.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Indigenous-HRIF-Guidelines-and-Application-June-2016.docx and
email it to Naomi Vaughan at naomi.vaughan@amnesty.org.au by the
closing date.


For more information, visit *Indigenous Rights and the Human Rights
Innovation Fund https://www.amnesty.org.au/grants/


Anonymous said...

Nice one, this is great information.

Kevin Ogbajie said...

Thank you, our pleasure.